What is a mandala? Mandala comes from ancient Indian Sanskrit, one of the oldest ancient languages. It means circle, arc, magic arc or healing circle. The mandala represents the center. Mandala is a movement, it is a wheel of life, an image of the universe, still emerging from one center and at the same time converging from diversity to one center. Mandala is a timeless symbol of unity and balance. We have encountered it since time immemorial in various forms in all cultures. Stone circles as part of the landscape in English Stonehenge; The wheel of life of the ancient Egyptians; pre-Christian Celtic cross symbolizing the four seasons and the four directions - north, south, east, west, placed on a stone circle depicting the Earth. We also find the symbolism of mandalas in Christianity. Symbolic rosette windows adorning churches and cathedrals is another example. The Indians used the well-known dream catcher, which they called the mandala of the world. Hindus use circular yantras in meditations and ceremonies; in Buddhism, mandalas are drawn according to strict rules to create perfect harmony and balance.